Is a Chow the right Dog for me ?
Kumari vom Sittardsberg
Intern. & German Championesse
If you want your dog to be an ever-obediant creature,
you will certainly not be happy with a chow.
Should you, however, be looking for an independant companion
and should you be ready to grant him enough freedom,
then you can safely embark on the chow-adventure.
A Dog with Character
Chow-Chows are attractive not only because of their uncommon appearance.
They also have a very particular character. They are alert guardians and
have a developed sense for hunting. Strangers are met with scepticism.
Within the family, chows prove to be faithful and extremely attached to
their favourite people. You should, however, never expect total obedience:
a Chow will follow his master's command out of pure affection - never out
of submissiveness!
Freedom-loving and independant
The Chow-Chow belongs to the Asian native breeds and a certain originality
in behavior can indeed not be denied. He disposes of a strong instinct of
self-preservation, a striving for independance and a tremendous need for freedom.
To keep a Chow-Chow in kennels alone would be (as for any other dog too) hell
on earth and would lead to negative changes in his being.